Food & its Source - Class VI - Science

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Food & its Source - Class VI - Science

Food: Where Does It Come From

The chapter is titled "Food: Where Does It Come From?" and it deals with the various sources of food and their importance in our lives.


  • Food is essential for life, as it provides the body with energy and nutrients that are necessary for growth and development.
  • Different organisms obtain their food from different sources, such as plants, animals, and fungi.

Plant Parts and Their Uses:

  • Plants are a major source of food for humans and animals.
  • Different parts of a plant have different uses:
    • Roots anchor the plant to the ground and absorb water and minerals from the soil.
    • Stem supports the plant and transports water and nutrients between the roots and leaves.
    • Leaves make food for the plant through photosynthesis.
    • Flowers produce seeds and fruits.
  • Examples of plants and the parts that we eat:
    • Carrots (root)
    • Potatoes (stem)
    • Spinach (leaves)
    • Mango (fruit)

Plant Products:

  • Besides providing us with food, plants also provide us with many other useful products, such as:
    • Cotton (from cotton plants) for making clothes
    • Wood (from trees) for building and furniture
    • Medicinal plants for making medicines
  • Plants also play an important role in the ecosystem, as they provide oxygen and help maintain the balance of gases in the atmosphere.

Animals and Their Food:

  • Animals can be herbivores (plant-eaters), carnivores (meat-eaters), or omnivores (eating both plants and animals).
  • Herbivores have special adaptations for eating plants, such as teeth for grinding and a long digestive system for breaking down tough plant fibers.
  • Carnivores have sharp teeth and claws for catching and killing prey.
  • Examples of animals and their food:
    • Cow (herbivore)
    • Lion (carnivore)
    • Human (omnivore)

Animal Products:

  • Animals also provide us with many useful products, such as:
    • Milk (from cows and goats) for making dairy products
    • Wool (from sheep) for making clothes
    • Leather (from cows) for making shoes and bags
  • However, it is important to use these products in a sustainable and ethical manner, to ensure the welfare of the animals and the environment.

Food from Different Regions:

  • Different regions have their own unique cuisines, based on the availability of local ingredients and cultural traditions.
  • Examples of regional foods in India:
    • South Indian cuisine, which uses rice, coconut, and spices like curry leaves and mustard seeds.
    • Punjabi cuisine, which uses wheat, dairy products, and spices like cumin and coriander.
    • Bengali cuisine, which uses fish, rice, and spices like turmeric and ginger.


Food is essential for our survival and provides us with energy and nutrients that we need to stay healthy.

Different organisms obtain their food from different sources, such as plants, animals, and fungi.

We should use food and other products from plants and animals in a sustainable and ethical manner, to ensure the welfare of the environment and its inhabitants.

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