Everything you need to know about Animal Cell Culture

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Everything you need to know about Animal Cell Culture

 Animal Cell Culture (ACC)


Animal cell culture is a technique used to grow animal cells in a laboratory environment. Animal cell culture has been a valuable tool in the fields of biotechnology, medicine, and research. The technique has made it possible to study the physiology, genetics, and biochemistry of animal cells in a controlled environment. In this article, we will delve into the world of animal cell culture, explore the different aspects of the technique, and discuss some of its applications.

What is Animal Cell Culture?

Animal cell culture is a technique that involves the growth of animal cells in a laboratory environment. The cells are cultured in a nutrient-rich medium, which provides them with the necessary nutrients and growth factors for growth and proliferation. The medium also contains salts, amino acids, vitamins, and other essential components required for cell growth.

Animal cell culture is commonly used in research, medicine, and biotechnology. It is used to study the physiology, genetics, and biochemistry of animal cells, as well as the effects of drugs and other substances on these cells. Animal cell culture is also used to produce biological products, such as vaccines, antibodies, and enzymes.

Types of Animal Cell Culture

There are several types of animal cell culture, including primary cell culture, secondary cell culture, and continuous cell culture.

Primary cell culture involves the isolation of cells directly from an animal tissue or organ. These cells are then cultured in a medium containing the necessary nutrients and growth factors for their growth and proliferation. Primary cell culture is commonly used in research and is valuable for studying the characteristics and behavior of specific cell types.

Secondary cell culture involves the transfer of cells from a primary culture to a new culture dish. The transferred cells can be cultured for an extended period of time, allowing for the study of long-term effects of drugs or other substances on the cells.

Continuous cell culture involves the growth of cells that have undergone genetic modifications, resulting in an immortal cell line. These cells can be cultured for an indefinite period of time, making them useful for large-scale production of biological products.

Equipment for Animal Cell Culture

Animal cell culture requires specialized equipment, including a laminar flow hood, CO2 incubator, microscope, and centrifuge.

The laminar flow hood is used to provide a sterile environment for the cells. The hood contains a HEPA filter, which removes airborne contaminants, and the air flows through the hood in a way that minimizes the risk of contamination.

The CO2 incubator is used to provide a controlled environment for the cells. The incubator maintains a stable temperature and humidity, as well as a specific concentration of CO2, which is necessary for the cells to grow and proliferate.

The microscope is used to monitor the cells during culture. It is used to observe cell morphology, growth, and confluence, as well as to identify any signs of contamination.

The centrifuge is used to separate cells from the culture medium, as well as to isolate cellular components, such as mitochondria, lysosomes, and ribosomes.

Application of Animal Cell Culture

Animal cell culture has a wide range of applications in research, medicine, and biotechnology. Here are some of the most common applications:

Production of Biological Products

One of the primary applications of animal cell culture is the production of biological products, including vaccines, antibodies, and enzymes. These products are used in medicine and biotechnology. For example, many vaccines are produced using animal cell cultures. Animal cells can be engineered to produce large quantities of the viral or bacterial proteins needed for the vaccine. This technique has been used to produce vaccines for a variety of infectious diseases, including influenza, hepatitis B, and human papillomavirus.

Antibodies are also commonly produced using animal cell culture. These antibodies are used in a variety of applications, including diagnostic testing and therapeutic treatments for cancer and other diseases. Enzymes produced using animal cell culture are used in a wide range of industrial processes, such as the production of cheese and beer.

Drug Discovery

Animal cell culture is also used in the development of new drugs. The technique allows researchers to study the effects of drugs on animal cells, as well as to screen potential drug candidates. Animal cell culture is used in the early stages of drug development to identify promising drug candidates and to determine their effectiveness and safety.

Researchers can use animal cell cultures to study the mechanisms by which drugs interact with cells and to identify potential side effects. This information is essential for the development of safe and effective drugs. Animal cell culture is also used in the testing of new cancer treatments.

Toxicology Testing

Animal cell culture is used in the testing of the toxicity of chemicals and other substances. The technique allows for the study of the effects of these substances on animal cells, as well as to identify potential hazards. Toxicology testing using animal cell culture is an important tool for evaluating the safety of new chemicals and products.

In the past, animal testing was the primary method used for toxicology testing. However, animal cell culture offers a more ethical and cost-effective alternative. The use of animal cell culture for toxicology testing has led to a significant reduction in the number of animals used in research.

Cancer Research

Animal cell culture is also used in cancer research. Researchers can use animal cell cultures to study the behavior of cancer cells, to test new cancer treatments, and to develop new cancer therapies. Animal cell culture is also used to study the genetic and biochemical changes that occur in cancer cells.

In cancer research, animal cell culture is used to develop cell lines that represent different types of cancers. These cell lines are then used to test the efficacy of new cancer treatments. Animal cell culture is also used in the study of cancer stem cells, which are responsible for the growth and spread of tumors.

Stem Cell Research

Animal cell culture is an essential tool for stem cell research. Stem cells are unique cells that have the ability to differentiate into many different cell types. They have the potential to be used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases and injuries.

Animal cell culture is used to grow and maintain stem cells. Researchers can use animal cell culture to study the mechanisms by which stem cells differentiate into different cell types. This information is essential for the development of new stem cell therapies.


Animal cell culture is a valuable tool in the fields of biotechnology, medicine, and research. The technique has made it possible to study the physiology, genetics, and biochemistry of animal cells in a controlled environment. Animal cell culture is used to produce a wide range of biological products, to develop new drugs, to test the toxicity of chemicals and other substances, and to study cancer and stem cells. As the field of animal cell culture continues to advance, it is likely that we will see many new applications and uses for this important technique.

SYLLABUS of ACC (Animal Cell Culture)

What is the syllabus of Animal Cell Culture under B.Sc. Biotechnology?

The syllabus for Animal Cell Culture under B.Sc. Biotechnology may vary slightly depending on the university and college, but some of the typical topics that are covered in the syllabus include:

Introduction to Animal Cell Culture:
Basic concepts and principles, cell types, and their characteristics, and basic laboratory techniques.

Media and supplements:
Types of media, their preparation, and use, types of serum, and supplements.

Cell Culture Techniques:
Sub-culturing, maintenance of cell lines, cryopreservation, and thawing of cells.

Cell Counting and Viability:
Hemocytometer, cell viability assays, and trypan blue dye exclusion.

Types of contamination, detection, and prevention, and cross-contamination.

Microbial Control:
Sterilization techniques and quality control.

Scale-up of Cell Culture:
Large-scale cultivation, bioreactors, and downstream processing.

Gene Expression and Recombinant Protein Production:
Transfection methods, reporter gene assays, and recombinant protein expression.

Monoclonal Antibody Production:
Hybridoma technology, antibody characterization, and purification.

Stem Cell Culture:
Stem cell types, culture techniques, and differentiation.

Cell-Based Assays:
Cytotoxicity, cell proliferation, apoptosis, and migration assays.

Applications of Animal Cell Culture:
Tissue engineering, drug discovery, and vaccine production.

Bioethics in Animal Cell Culture:
Ethical considerations, animal welfare, and alternatives to animal experimentation.

The syllabus may also cover advanced topics, such as viral vector production, gene editing, and advanced cell culture techniques.

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