Reality & The Universe in brief (NOVUS-classes)

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Reality & The Universe in brief (NOVUS-classes)

Phase 1 [The basic level studies] by NOVUS classes

Lecture 01 - Reality & The Universe in brief

go through the link to watch - Lecture 01 on YouTube...


महाभूत: वह तत्व है, जिससे यथार्थ बना हुआ है।


पंचमहाभूत या पंचतत्व, भारतीय दर्शन में सभी पदार्थों के मूल माने गए हैं।

सांख्य शास्त्र में प्रकृति इन्ही पंचभूतों से बनी मानी गई है।

इससे बने पदार्थ जड़ यानि निर्जीव होते हैं।


सजीव बनने के लिए इनको आत्मा चाहिए।

आत्मा को वैदिक साहित्य में पुरुष कहा जाता है।

योगशास्त्र में अन्नमय शरीर भी इन्हीं से बना है।

The Universe

The Universe is often defined as “the totality of existence”

That is,

1 - Everything that exists,

2 - Everything that has existed,

3 - and Everything that will exist.

The Universe comprises of all the space and matter including planets, stars and galaxies, also all other forms of matter and energy.

Human beings have been very curious to know about the origin, the matter from ancient times.

Around 500 BC

1 - Maharishi Kanad (Indian Philosopher)
  • Said that matter is not continuous but divisible.
  • According to him, on continuous division of matter, we can have the ultimate particles which were called by him 'parmanu' which were indivisible.
2 - Pakudha Katyayna (Indian Philosopher)
  • Extended this doctrine and proposed that the parmanu generally exist in combined form called "molecules".

Between 450-400 BC

1 - Empedocles (Greek Philosopher)
  • Described all matter as the composition of four elements:
        • Fire
        • Air
        • Water
        • Earth
  • He suggested that ratio of these four elements affect the properties of matter.
2 - Aristotle (Greek Philosopher)
  • Rejected the theory of Democritus and accepted the theory of Empedocles.
  • Adding his own incorrect idea that the four core elements could be transformed into one another.
Because of Aristotle's great influence that time,
Democritus theory would had to wait almost, 2000 years before being rediscovered.

Image Credit: Adventures Inside the Atom, 1948 General Electric, George Roussos (Public Domain)


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